Sunday, September 22, 2024

Every Little Piece Counts

Another scrap quilt! Ahh. My favorite way to quilt. I have a problem with throwing out the teeny tiniest piece of fabric. And before I know it, my sew room is being held hostege by those little cuties.

So it makse me feel so good to be able to use them. They come togeather easy and fast. 
And that makes all the difference. 
I know that most qulters use their scraps in very creative and organized ways. 

But this kind of scrap qulilt helps me to stay sane. And I don't think it looks bad. I quite like it.

Brandie does fun things with the backs of my quilts. The Love Is Kind quilt is her work too. She is awesome. I would never give the time of day for a back. 
I just throw the peices together. 
Mostly because I am lazy. 
But also, I don't care about backs. 
I don't ask her to do this either. 
She just does it.
Brandie is awesome.
Gifted to Gael
June 2024


Love Is Kind

This quilt, when I started it many years ago, was intended to be a baby quilt. 

But look at her now! All grown up. Where did the time go? 
Mostly stuck in a tote. 
But now she's out and keeping someone warm.
That's the important part.

I had a hard time finishing this quilt because I ran out of the above white fabric that says "love". And because I didn't run out until it had been years after I bought it. It was no longer being manufatuared when I found out I needed more. Sadly, I couldn't get it anywhere. I was stuck and glum.

Then finally having someone I wanted to give this quilt to. I needed to come to a resolution. Consequently, I was pretty much forced to use what I had on hand. So I found a gold on white tone and just went with it. 
I wasn't necessarily happy about that either. 
I tried to show you in the photo above but you can't see really it well. 
It's fine. It turnd out okay.
Moral of story; If you don't want to be forced into being creative with your fabric combiations than don't wait years to finsh your quilt.

Gifted to Christine
June 2024


Ian's Graduation Quilt


I love the chicken tracks. 
We loved to tease Ian about chickens all growing up.

Pieced by Clara Cann
Back, bound and quilted by Brandie Sharp
May 2024

Colton's Sweet 16 Quilt

This quilt turned out all right. The quilt design that I put togaether in my head was quite difrent than the outcome.


Pieced by Clara Cann
Quilted & Bound by Laindey Anthony