Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I'm very happy to introduce my Thanksgiving stitchery! These are my girls. I stitched them for over a year. This means that they are sweet and I adore them.

I made this thing with the idea of selling the pattern on Craftsy.com.  I don't draw. That is why it's nice that websites like Fiverr.com are out there. I was able to find and commission someone to make these sweet maidens for me. I told the artist what I wanted and sent samples of the girls to give him an idea of what I had in mind. I love what he did. I payed him for his awesome work and bought the commercials rights. So now I can sale them as my own. 

It was about 7 years ago when I first read the quote "Thankfully Live within Your Harvest". I immediately fell in love with it. I was in a quilt shoppe, that is no longer in business, in Provo, Utah. They had the cutest Thanksgiving quilt with these little words lovingly hand stitched into it.  I wanted to use the quote in my own festive turkey quilt but never got around to making it.  Ergo, a teeny, tiny stitchery with these darling ladies on it.

I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. Plus, it was a lot of fun to make.