One more quilt before year's end. With a little help from one of my handsome helpers.
This one is for my dear nephew, William. My first nephew and the first McNeal grandchild.
Damon and I quilted this one together. I think I'm going to try and quilt more. I saved my quilting receipts from My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe from last December 'til November to track how much I'm spending on this fine service. And it turns it's kinda a lot. It would be nice if I could buy a sophisticated quilting machine that would allow me to do some fancy leg work.
So far I've liked the challenge of doing it on my regular machine.
If I had more time; I would have liked to have done a lot more quilting on this quilt.
But time was of the essence.
My favorite was these lattice squares.
Lovely; yes?
All the blocks that are of the same colors have the same quilted design.
Pieced binding again. Love doing it this way!
And to end...Bradley came out to me with his hair like this. He got it mostly this tall on his own, then I helped the rest of the way. And it's only water that's keeping it up. Love it!
Clair, you amaze me!! I love looking at your quilts!! You are so talented!!