Saturday, May 16, 2020

My Sew Room!

Also known as my very happy place. 

 Whenever I find something that my dad has made, that I like, I take what I find. I have this belief that if it's in my possession, it will be protected and preserved. So I take everything I possibly can. Especially small things. This rule applies to pretty much everything in my parents house, not just things made by my father.

I am very proud of my wood board. Just by looking at it you see it's a lovely treasure trove. I love to add and take away from it. It's ever changing and busy. I think that is one reason I like it so much. Also, it's personal to me. It displays buttons from my maternal grandmother and a work button from my paternal grandma. Many things from Mom's and Dad's. The cast iron S is from their coal furnace that was original to their house. My parents have the oldest house in Mayfield. But it's not a fancy pioneer home, it's just old. Two of the front living rooms have adobe walls. Then the house was added on from there.

 It's weird how crazy I am about things with rust on them. 

This little basket is just special with all the old spools, thimbles, and bobbins.  My most favorite things to adorn it with are safety pins, teeny-tiny ones and little lightbulb safety pins. I love those!

Damon lets me buy all the vintage decor I want. As long as it fits into my sew room. 
That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

I love my little turny-button thing! 
I found it at an estate sale and it is the best!

This is my little typewriter that I love and use! Also, I have a nice big box of type paper that has watermarks that reveal that this awesome paper was made with some linen! That's how you know it belongs in my family.

Damon has amazing wood working talents that he so generously and willingly shares with me. Damon is so great and I love him most dear. He is so important to me and I can't imagine what I would possibly do without him. He is a constant in my life of goodness and love. Damon never ceases to endlessly serve me. Making these beautiful peaces of cabinetry and bowls are just a small sample of the wonderful things he does for me every day!

My sew room art work is provided by my artist father. The majority of pantings in my room are by him. 
The house I grew up in. It may not be fancy, but it was a home to bats for many years. Beat that fancy house people! Bats in your attic? Pretty cool. Unless you're a kid in a really small town. Then not that cool. 

If you've made it this far-- congratulations!
You deserve a break.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Green and Orange Consider the Lillies

 I really like this one. Love the green/orange.
A few things about orange:
I really love the color orange and it might actually be my favorite color. Especially burnt orange. 
I like orange cars and orange fruit.
I always spell orange wrong. Should be easy. I know.

The back is okay. 

Gifted to: LuAnn Wilhelm
Quilted and bound by:
Amy Christensen